Material energy polytool
Material energy polytool

material energy polytool

So everyone’s attempts to ‘enjoy’ in the material world always end ultimately in frustration, disappointment and distress. And they are trying so hard to enjoy that reflection but there is no real substance in that reflection at all. The people of the world are misidentifying the reflection as the factual truth. This is the cause of all the stress and frustration that the people of the world are currently acutely suffering from. We can see the reflection of love from the spiritual world, and we understand the concept and the feelings, but what we are seeing is simply a reflection, it is not the real thing, it is a reflection of the real thing.

material energy polytool

This is exactly the nature of this material world. Although you can see the mangoes reflected in the water, and you can imagine that those mangoes must taste very nice, if you jump into the water and try to grab the mangoes you will end up with only handfuls of water. But to actually taste the mangoes you need to get them from the real mango tree. Just like you can get the idea of ripe mangoes on tree if you look at the reflection of that mango tree in the water. Of course we can get the idea of pleasure from the reflection. What we see in the material world is simply a reflection of the spiritual world, and it is in the spiritual world that the real pleasure exists. The nature of the material world is there is no real pleasure at all. This extreme materialism has created a world full of completely frustrated people. Not even any idea that there is even a spiritual energy. There is virtually no information available to the general public of even the concept that there may be something more than this. We are constantly being bombarded by materialistic propaganda and it is all reinforcing the material concept of life, trying to convince us that satisfying our senses is the purpose of life.


By Madhudvisa dasa | Full size image 43 There is more than the Material Energy…

Material energy polytool